Hartford Fair, August 4 through August 10
Come to the fair in Croton, Ohio to family and friends. Our youth will be displaying their projects and showing their livestock.
Come to the fair in Croton, Ohio to family and friends. Our youth will be displaying their projects and showing their livestock.
Highwater is providing lunches for the community in St. Louisville this summer, through August 16. You can help, please contact Abby Shipley, abep32@hotmail.com or 740-975-1209. Link to a sign-up sheet, https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/30E044DA4A92AABF58-49753381-stlouisville
The Membership and Outreach Ministry and the Christian Education Ministry are teaming up this year to distribute Highwater Church’s Hartford Fair Blessing Bags. The bags are filled with goodies and messages for Hartford Fair 4-H’ers. They will be passed out on Saturday, August 3, the day 4-H members move their projects to the fair. We looking for donations to fill 200 bags. Small items such as energy bars, granola bars, and hard candy are welcome. Donations from Licking Memorial Hospital (Sanitizer and Chapstick) and The Ohio State University (OSU cloth bags) have already been made. Sunscreen has also been donated
You are invited to attend Pastor Gladys’s Ordination and formal Installation as Pastor at Highwater Church.
Highwater VBS will be June 24 – 28, 9am – 11:30am. Open to preschool – 5th grade. 6th grade and older are encouraged to register as Jr. Counselors. Register at: https://forms.gle/NyGDVM7rCVdyw91B8
On May 19th , our church will celebrate Pentecost. We will also celebrate our youth, Charlie Atherton and Jason Douglass, as they complete their Confirmation Class and join the church at the 10:30am service.
Per Hog roast chairman, Janet Goodman, the event grossed $23,419 on April 20, 2024. Net Income was $21,505. Thanks goes to all the church volunteers, those that made or donated items for the auction, the families and friends who attended the event and especially Janet Goodman for leading the way! Money raised will fund Christian Education programs, Missions, and help pay for a new sign at the church.
Reverend Jeff Gill will fill the pulpit on May 5 and May 12 while Pastor Gladys Davis is traveling. Jeff is a writer, storyteller, and preacher in central Ohio; he leads tours as a volunteer with the Newark Earthworks Center at Ohio State Newark and for the Ohio History Connection, and is a World Heritage Ambassador.
Click the link to see the partial list of auction items up for sale Saturday night at Highwater Congregational Church at 1213 Dutch Lane… Newark… Ohio. Dinner is served from 4pm-7pm. AUCTION will follow the Basket Bonanza which starts at 6pm.
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