“Highwater Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, will be an active family of faith in North Central Licking County, dedicated to building awareness of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through meaningful worship, diverse service, and genuine fellowship.”
​ - Mission Statement

Author Archives: JANINE SHIPLEY

Handbell practice begins November 20

If you would like to be in the Handbell Choir, we will have practices on November 20, 27, and December 4 at 9:45 am. No experience needed. Please contact Cathy Bero or Susan Steele. We will perform on December 4 at 10:30am service.

Community-Wide Thanksgiving Service

Central Christian Church will host a Community Wide Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, November 20, at 7:00pm. The church is located at 587 Mount Vernon Road Newark, OH 43055.

Youth Lock-In set for December 2

A youth lock-in for all ages will begin at 9:30pm December 2 and end at 9:00 am on December 3. A Sign up Sheet will be in the Binder at church. Please contact Bekah Kalas for more details.

Parent’s Night Out

Childcare will be provided on Friday, December 2 at Highwater Congregational Church from 6:00 – ? for parent’s wanting a night out alone. A sign up sheet will be in the binder at church. Please contact Bekah Kalas for more details.

Advent Book Study begins November 29

Pastor Gladys Davis will lead the Advent Book Study beginning weekly on November 29 at 7pm. This series will be on Zoom only.The book that will be studied is Adam Hamilton’s, “Prepare the Way for the Lord: Advent an the Message of John the Baptist.” The book can be purchased from Amazon. Join the Zoom Meeting at this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82893523326?pwd=dCtYRGxFdHFWMCs0RnBkSkZLTHEzZz09

Blood Drive Scheduled for February 11

Our next blood drive will be SATURDAY, February 11th, 8 am – 1pm, in the Legg Center. Schedule your appointment online at the American Red Cross.

Pumpkin Carving and Euchre Night

The Fellowship Ministry has scheduled an event for October 21 for church family and friends. Pumpkin carving begins at 6pm with safety knives. Euchre begins at 7pm. Legend Hills Orchard is providing pumpins and apple cider. The Ministry will provide shredded chicken sandwiches, chips, and a drink. Adults are encouraged to bring snacks to share. Please RSVP to Janet Goodman, 740-258-2846.

Hanging of the Greens

On Sunday, November 20, following the 10:30am worship service, we will decorate the church for the holidays. A light lunch will be available for our hungry volunteers. All are welcome All are needed.

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