“Highwater Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, will be an active family of faith in North Central Licking County, dedicated to building awareness of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through meaningful worship, diverse service, and genuine fellowship.”
​ - Mission Statement

Author Archives: JANINE SHIPLEY

Women in Service at Highwater (WISH)

At their last meeting, WISH decided to match donations up to $5000 to fund the Carpet Project in the Legg Center. Once collected, we can proceed with replacing the 30 year old carpet. Please put Building fund in the memo portion of your check.

Highwater Pickleball on Thursdays

Please join us on Thursdays from 1-3pm. Check the Highwater Pickleball FACEBOOK group page to RSVP and make sure we have players to play. For more information, please contact Sue Steele.

WISH to meet TUESDAY, June 13 at 6:30pm

Women In Service at Highwater (WISH) will meet Monday, June 12, at 6:30pm at Highwater Church. Pastor Gladys Davis will be talking and showing pictures of her experience at PIne Ridge Reservation. All women are invited to attend. WISH will provide shredded chicken sandwiches. Please bring a side dish to share.

Highwater Hog Roast a Success

Led by Janet and Bill Goodman, our church had a successful fund raiser for the carpet replacement in the Legg Center. Over 250 meals were served. After all bills were paid, we netted $16,070.31. Thanks to all the church members and friends who, donated items for the auction, and made desserts for the meal.

MISSING IN ACTION set for May 10 at 7pm

Licking County’s Forgotten Men In 2019, the Licking County Library, through their “In the Company of Heroes” Veteran’s Project, identified 36 men that are still considered Missing in Action by the Department of Defense from World War I to the present time. Doug Stout, Veterans Project Coordinator, Licking County Library, will share the stories of nine of these men. The event will be held at Highwater United Church of Christ, 1213 Dutch Lane Road, Newark, Ohio. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC

Easter Lily Sale

If you are interested in purchasing an Easter Lily for the sanctuary, please complete the form in the binder. The cost is $10.50 per lily. Orders must be completed by March 19.

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