Author Archives: higwatechurc
Highwater Hog Roast & Auction set for April 20
Our annual community social event and fund raiser is the Hog Roast and Auction. It is scheduled for Saturday, April 20. Meals will be served beginning at 4pm. The Basket Bonanza and Auction will begin around 6pm. Volunteers are needed. Donated items for the auction are also needed. Please see Janet Goodman if you are interested in helping.
Family Game Night set for March 9
We will host a Family Game Night on March 9 at 6pm. The event will take place at Highwater Congregational Church.
Valentine Event on February 10
There will be a catered Italian Dinner, Valentine Bingo with Prices, and a Concert with Barefoot McCoy on February 10 beginning at 6pm. The cost is $25 per person. Prepaid reservations required. RSVP by February 4 to Janet Goodman. Make checks payable to WISH. For those wishing only to attend the concert, a free will donation will be accepted at the door. For more information contact Janet Goodman at 740-258-2846 or Cindy Campbell at 740-398-9729.
Ash Wednesday Services February 14
Ash Wednesday will be February 14 at 5pm. It will be a brief 30 minute service at Highwater Church.
Lenten Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 11am
A Lenten Bible study has started and it’s not to late to join. They are meeting on Thursdays, February 22 through March 21, at 11am in the Church Library. The book is “Entering the Passion of Jesus” by Amy Jo Levine. Contact Pastor Gladys for more information.
Community Drop-In Center Volunteers Needed
The Community Drop-In Center at Trinity Lutheran Church are in need of volunteers. The church is located at 592 West Main Street. The center offers a safe space for people to connect to resources. Volunteers are needed weekly Tuesdays through Thursdays, 9:30am to 2:30pm. Signup for a 2-1/2 hour shift at
Licking County Trustees Luncheon is January 20
Highwater Church is hosting the Licking County Trustees Luncheon on January 20. If you can help please contact Janet Goodman at 740-258-2846 or Kathy Preston at 740-644-2217.
Men’s Breakfast on Saturdays
All men welcome. Monthly meetings on Saturdays from 8-9am at Grace Pointe Community Church of Utica, 892 E. Columbus Road, Utica, Ohio 43080.