“Highwater Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, will be an active family of faith in North Central Licking County, dedicated to building awareness of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through meaningful worship, diverse service, and genuine fellowship.”
​ - Mission Statement

Category Archives: Past Events

Homer Aumni Banquet set for May 18 at 7pm

WISH (Women in Service at Highwater) will be preparing and serving. Please contact Janet Goodman or Kathy Preston to see how you can help.

Confirmation Class to meet April 21 at 4pm

On Sunday, April 21, the Confirmation Class will meet from 4-5pm. We will cover the other Faith, Traditions unit. Special guest will be Tarah Goodman

New Bible Study starts April 18

The new Bible Study will be meeting on Thursdays at 11am starting April 18. We will meet at the church. The book is called, “The Walk” by Adam Hamilton. The book study will last 6 weeks. Mary Jo Layman will be leading the discussions.

Licking County Homemakers Luncheon, April 16

WISH (Women in Service at Highwater) will be providing and serving this meal. Please contact Janet goodman or Kathy Preston to how you can help.

Northridge Basketball Banquet April 4

Our church will provide the facility to Northridge for their Basketball Banquet on Thursday, April 4. WISH will supply desserts. Please have your dessert at the church by 5:00 pm. Please contact Janet Goodman or Kathy Preston for more information.

Licking Memorial Hospital Caregivers Expo

Licking Memorial Hospital will sponsor a Caregivers Expo at the hospital, 1320 West Main Street, Newark on Wednesday, APRIL 3 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm. The event will feature local vendors on site and will provide information about available community resources to assist families caring for aging loved ones, and grandparents who are the primary caregivers of their grandchildren.

Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt on March 31

Following the 8:30am worship service on Easter, we will host an Easter Brunch at 9:30am. The annual Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled at 10:00am. If you would like to donate food for the brunch or candy and prizes for the Egg Hunt, please contact the church or sign-up in the church binder.

Good Friday Personal Devotion

On Good Friday, March 29, Reverend Davis will have the Sanctuary open from Noon – 3:00pm for personal devotion.

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