“Highwater Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, will be an active family of faith in North Central Licking County, dedicated to building awareness of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through meaningful worship, diverse service, and genuine fellowship.”
​ - Mission Statement

Category Archives: Missions

Angel Tag Gifts due back December 4

Highwater will once again be partnering with the Salvation Army to help give kids in need a good Christmas through their Angel Tree Tag program. This year we have 35 tags available. Tags will be due back to the church by December 4. Please contact Abby Shipley by email (abep32@hotmail.com) for more information.

Blood Drive Scheduled for February 11

Our next blood drive will be SATURDAY, February 11th, 8 am – 1pm, in the Legg Center. Schedule your appointment online at the American Red Cross.

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