“Highwater Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, will be an active family of faith in North Central Licking County, dedicated to building awareness of God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit through meaningful worship, diverse service, and genuine fellowship.”
​ - Mission Statement

Category Archives: Missions

Blood Drive set for June 24

The American Red Cross will be having a Blood Drive on Saturday, June 24 from 8am – 12pm at Highwater Congregational Church. Download the App,”Blood Donor”, to sign up and do your Rapid Pass online before arrival. You may also click on the link above to register. The American Red Cross has an urgent need for blood donors. Every 2 Seconds, someone in the U.S. Needs Blood. Your Blood Donation Can Help Save Lives. FYI: Once you have signed up to give blood, the American Red Cross will stop calling you until it is time to give blood again. Redcrossblood.org.

Salvation Army Lunch Program

Volunteers are need to help prepare food for the Salvation Army Lunch Program on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8-10am. Please sign up by contacting Abby Shipley at 740-975-1209 or abep32@hotmail.com.

WISH to meet TUESDAY, June 13 at 6:30pm

Women In Service at Highwater (WISH) will meet Monday, June 12, at 6:30pm at Highwater Church. Pastor Gladys Davis will be talking and showing pictures of her experience at PIne Ridge Reservation. All women are invited to attend. WISH will provide shredded chicken sandwiches. Please bring a side dish to share.

Mission’s ministry supports Vertical 196.

During May, the Highwater Church Missions Ministry have een supporting Vertical 196, Licing Couty Jail MInistries in Newark, Ohio. This is an outreach faciity that offers help with many aspects of establishing new life after release. The organization is comitted to loving people until they ask us, “Why?”. It’s at that very point that the group is truly able to point them to Christ. They believe in sharing the restorative power of Jesus. Donations mat include the following items: paper towels, toilet paper, plain powdered creamer, paper bowls, small paper plates (dessert), green beans, spaghetti sauce, individual fruit cup/apple sauce,

Highwater Church Hog Roast is Back- April 22

Click here for list of donated items for the 2023 Church Auction. Click here for list of items in the 2023 Basket Bananza. Highwater Church will host its Hog Roast and Auction on Saturday, April 22. By now, you have heard we are going full “BOAR” with the famous HIghwater Church Hog Roast and Auction. Now is the time to start thinking of donations for the auction! We are looking for items that have been donated from businesses you deal with as well as homemade items such as woodworking, hand-crafted items and delicious baked goods! We will be compiling a

March Madness is March 19

2023 MARCH MADNESS is here! https://forms.gle/nhfTR7wh31gaRa1e7 Sign up your team or yourself for this years 3 on 3 March Madness Tournament on MARCH 19, starting at 11:30am.. There is a 12 TEAM MAXIMUM so sign up soon! Teams must have at least 2 players under 16 years old, and no more than 5 players per team. If you do not have a team but still want to play, sign up individually and we will add you to a team. We will play 5 minutes halves, running clock, half court games. Free admission and free sign up. Lunch will be provided,

Missions Ministry Update

In February, the Missions Ministry will be collecting for the United Way emergency warming shelters. They need men’s and women’s new underwear, long johns, and insulated heavy duty gloves and mittens in sizes small to XXL. Please leave your donations in the Wood Box located in the entry way as you walk into the Narthex. The Missions MInistry collected toiletry items for Newton Schools in January. Abby Shipley, chairperson, reports that she dropped off several hundred items to the school which our church donated.

Night to Shine will be held February 10

Newark’s Night to Shine will be held Friday, February 10 from 6-9pm. This event is sponsored by the Tim Tebow Foundation and is an unforgettable prom experience centered on God’s love for people with special needs, ages 14 and older. Volunteers are needed to assist with decoration, clean up, and during the actual event. You will need to arrive by 4:15 pm. Volunteers must be 16 years or older. Volunteers are needed to serve on the Buddy team. You will accompany and assist an assigned guest throughout the evening, providing any help they may need during the event. You will

Missions Ministry to help out Newton Elementary School

Our Missions Ministry will be helping Newton Elementary with a toiletry drive. During January, we are collecting new items for this cause. Please leave your donations in the box in the Narthex at HIghwater Church. Items suggested include: deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, socks, underwear for K-5 boys and girls, shampoo/soap, hair bursh, feminine products (mostly pads), Band-Aids, toilet paper, tissues, and chapstick.

Dude Charities Coat Drive

The Missions ministry is organizing the Highwater Coat Drive to benefit Dude Charities Coat Drive. We will be collecting gently used or new coats, hats, socks, gloves, and hand warmers. Dude Charities will be handing these out in LIcking Cunty to the needy. Please drop all items in the box marked “COAT DRIVE” located in the Narthex at HIghwater Congregational Church. The Coat Drive will continue through December 31. For more information email Abby Shipley at abep32@hotmail.com.

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